Roman tessera
Roman tessera

roman tessera

The Greco-Roman tradition and the city’s location on the borders of Roman and Parthian territory created the conditions for a particular culture to develop there, with an interesting syncretism visible in its art. It was a very important trading post between the Euphrates and the Mediterranean Sea. Palmyra was founded in the 3rd Millennium BC in modern day Syria.

  • The Significance of Carnelian in Ancient Egyptian Culture.
  • The History and Mythology of Gemstones in Ancient Jewellery.
  • Mesopotamian Cylinder Seals-Exploring Glyptic Images.
  • Making their Mark: A Concise Guide to Western Asiatic Stamp Seals.
  • The Professor Zahid Pervez Butt Collection.
  • The Influence of Greek Art on Gandharan Statues.
  • Collecting Guide: Types of Ancient Greek Vase.
  • Ancient Greek Votive Offerings in Antiquity.
  • The Byzantine Empire: Art and Christianity.
  • Mythology of Gemstones in Ancient Jewellery.
  • Ancient Egyptian Shabtis and Funerary Statuettes.
  • Rare Ancient Mesopotamian Terracotta Eye Idol £ 800.00.
  • Medieval Silver Signet Ring with Latin Text £ 350.00.
  • Hadrian Silver Denarius Pendant £ 250.00.
  • Ancient Roman Bronze Mirror with Decorative Metalwork £ 750.00.
  • Medieval Bronze Iconographic Ring with the Annunciation £ 450.00.
  • Ancient Roman Factory Lamp with Maker's Mark £ 325.00.
  • For the village in municipality of Venice, see Category: Tessera (Venice). For the Ancient Roman coin, see: Category: Tessera (coin). Used since ancient Roman and Byzantine mosaics on to contemporary mosaic works.


    Similar tesserae were issued by private patrons entitling their clients to free meals, gifts, admission to games and public shows, and so on (most of the surviving tesserae are probably of this type), while tesserae hospitales established the claim of the bearer to hospitality when travelling.If you need further help, or for sourcing enquiries, please call us: English: Tessera is an individual tile in mosaics, usually formed in the shape of a cube. Coin-like tesserae, often bearing the head of the emperor, and marked balls exchangeable for cash or various presents from the imperial treasury and warehouses were thrown to the crowd by the emperor at some festivals in Rome.

    roman tessera

    In the empire tesserae frumentariae, whose exact form is a matter of controversy, were issued to the privileged citizens entitled to free wheat rations at Rome, *Oxyrhynchus, and perhaps other cities (see food supply). Above the doors of the Colosseum in Rome are numbers corresponding to those stamped into a spectator's tessera. Stamped into a clay shard was an entrance aisle and row number for spectators attending an event at an amphitheater or arena. Wooden tesserae were used in the Roman army as an adjunct to passwords. Roman Tessera A tessera was the ancient Roman equivalent of a theater ticket. In the late republic and the Julio-Claudian period, tesserae of bone or ivory, called tesserae nummulariae by modern scholars, were attached to bags of silver coins by bankers to indicate that they had tested their genuineness (see nummularius). Surviving examples include stamped, mostly round, pieces of lead, bronze, or terracotta, sometimes with a brief legend, and inscribed, mostly rectangular, pieces of bone, ivory, or wood. ExtractTessera, a die or gaming piece also a ticket or token, used in the Roman world for a great variety of purposes.

    Roman tessera